Saturday, June 11, 2011

Exciting....It's A.....

Went to the doctor for Ultrasound number 2.  She measured all of the bones, the heart and brain and everything looked great. I was 21 weeks and 4 days, and was measuring 22 weeks and 5 days. I had also gained 8 lbs! (last two appointments were 1 lb gains, which is exactly how I was with Benjamin) She said the baby is just over 1 lb, and super crazy!! Would not sit still for pictures, kept kicking her wand! UhOh!
Benjamin watched the entire time, and kept saying "Baby" - He get's it, kinda, thanks mostly to getting to watch Auntie CaCa have a baby.  Then she asked if we wanted to know what it was......

Profile- Fat Belly!
 Feet- Hard to get picture, they wouldn't stop moving!
 4D Picture
It's A Boy!

Edmund said "Thank God" ......Benji said Baby has "Junk"..... I say "My Boys!"

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