Friday, August 26, 2011

Benjamin's 2nd Birthday!

Benjamin turned 2 years old today. I would say " Is it your birthday?" and he would put his serious face on and shake his head yes. Then the giraffe from ToysRUs called him on the phone to wish him a happy birthday- Serious face again while he was on the phone... shaking his head "yes, I will have a awesome day today Giraffe, Kyou Much, Kyou Welcome Much" he said (Thank you very much , your welcome very much) He played all day, whatever he wanted to do: golf, he played with every toy he owns, PaPa J had to read at least 30 books. And I bought little mini cupcakes that made him do a jig.  CAKE was the word of the day. Edmund had to work, but we went to dinner anyway and had a huge piece of cake. He actually put the fork down on the plate, made a "full" face, and pushed the plate away "Done" he said :-)  But as soon as I started talking about his party on Saturday, he started saying CAKE again, so I guess there is room for more!

In his new room- Auntie CaCa and Baby Babe went with us for an Ikea shopping spree to up-date the "boys" room, he loves having a tree in his room like "Where the Wild Things Are" He says "Oh, No, Tree Room" ...but he likes it!

Heading out to dinner, me and my boy


Birthday Bath with Elmo Shaving Cream and Bubbles!

Even though he is two, he still wanted to be wrapped up like a "baby" after his bath.... it's tradition!


  1. Happy Birthday Little MAN! Auntie CaCa loves you SO MUCH! XOXOXOX

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a GREAT day! Let's do it AGAIN! More CAKE!
    Lots of Love,
